ElectrolytesPrebioticsVitaminsAmino AcidsCholinePrebioticsFolic AcidVitamin B3ZincVitamin B6Vitamin B7Vitamin B12
ElectrolytesPrebioticsVitaminsAmino AcidsCholinePrebioticsFolic AcidVitamin B3ZincVitamin B6Vitamin B7Vitamin B12
ElectrolytesPrebioticsVitaminsAmino AcidsCholinePrebioticsFolic AcidVitamin B3ZincVitamin B6Vitamin B7Vitamin B12
ElectrolytesPrebioticsVitaminsAmino AcidsCholinePrebioticsFolic AcidVitamin B3ZincVitamin B6Vitamin B7Vitamin B12
Featured in

Recovery Formula
is made for

  • Better Mornings

    The perfect pick me up in the morning to prepare for a busy day. Or, have one in the evening to wake up feeling better.

  • Post-workout

    From couch to 5ks to fuelling after a long cycle, Bounce Back helps your body to rehydrate and replenish after.

  • Concentration

    Stay sharp and focussed, no matter what’s on your to-do list knowing that Bounce Back has got your back.

  • No More FOMO*

    Say bye to the *fear of missing out because now you’ve got a better way to bounce back.


    People love Bounce Back. Here’s what they have to say


    4.8 average

    Lee Moreland
    Raspberry Drink

    Wow, had this recommended to me a while ago by a couple of friends, I wish I'd have listened to their wisdom earlier. For less than a couple of quid it's amazing, drank it when I got home after a fairly heavy session, woke up in the morning and felt genuinely fine, a must take for anyone, I absolutely love it.

    05 August 2023
    Lewis Coultas
    Tropical Drink

    Great product and does exactly what it says on the can. Had the Tropical flavour after an after-work drinks event and really made a big difference the next day. Would highly recommend to young professionals looking to feel fresh the next day in the office!

    09 August 2023
    Miss Taggart
    Combo Pack

    Absolutely love this drink. Does what it says on the can. The raspberry flavour one is really nice but the tropical one is amazing. I would definitely recommend it. Thank you bounceback.x

    11 December 2023
    Kiah Dhughlais
    Combo Pack

    What a great product! There's nothing else out there like it.

    Linzi McAllister
    Raspberry Drink

    Had a can for the first time last night and I can honestly say I feel good this morning.